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Kristian Jalava

Otaniemi Crown – Flying squirrel housing project


Construction company Obscurant is building high-quality houses for flying-squirrels in the area of Otaniemi. Starting point for the housing is to underline the fact that the existence of flying squirrels is valuable for the living environment including people as part of the nature. Obscurant is showing houses and giving more information of forthcoming actions on Friday 17th October.


Global concern over biodiversity has led to a growing need to apply standards in conservation. But while the standards are expected to offer efficient solutions in policy implementation, they are in constant contradiction with local particularities. Since the beginning of 21st century Siberian flying squirrel has caused and is still causing conflicts and problems in land use planning and forest management in Finland. During a few last years these problems have arisen also in Espoo to where flying squirrels have moved from clear-cuttings and efficiently grown forests. Government-own Senate-properties (Senaatti-kiinteistöt) is planning to build new houses to Otaniemi campus but the strict conservation regulations are slowing the process.



Liito-oravat jarruna tuhansille uusille kodeille Espoossa HS 20.9.2014



Selvitys liito-oravien ja maankäytön yhteensovittamisesta Espoonlahden ja Matinkylän alueilla 2014.


Samalla alueella v. 2012-13 toteutettu liito-oravien radiopantaseuranta


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Muita Nina Nygrenin julkaisuja aiheesta.


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